Dec 4, 2024
Welcome to The Inspired Teacher Podcast! Lately, I’ve been feeling a shift—a sense of returning to something better than just surviving in the classroom. Between blue-sky moments and inspiring ideas from podcasts like Check This Out and House of EdTech, I’m rounding the corner from simply managing post-COVID challenges to growing and thriving as an educator. Today’s episode is all about progress—how it fuels our happiness and purpose. Inspired by Tom Bilyeu’s Impact Theory, we’ll explore why progress is a pillar of fulfillment, why it’s hardwired into us as humans, and why, as teachers, we need to push past comfort to continue growing. As wrestling coach Nelson Stratton once said, "You either get better or worse, but you never stay the same." Growth isn’t just about becoming better educators—it’s about living a purposeful life that serves both ourselves and others. Let’s talk about how to embrace the hard work of progress and use it to reignite our passion for teaching!